proHABITAT or Promosi Pengelolaan Hutan dan Biodiversitas melalui Penelitian, Pendidikan, dan Pelatihan (The Promotion of Forest Management and Biodiversity through Research, Education, and Trainings) is an information forum of the three-year partnership program (2013-2016) between Universitas Nasional, Indonesia dan Rutgers University, USA funded by USAID through the three-year program of Supporting Universities to Partner Across the Pacific USAID APS-497-11-000001.
The three main objectives of this project are to:
1) Foster an academic partnership based on international scientific collaboration and the training of the future generations of biologists, with the specific objective of developing research capacity on the sustainable management of peat-swamp forests and biodiversity in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
2) Establish opportunities for UNAS and RU graduate students to conduct dissertation and PRF research focusing on the conservation of biodiversity in peat-swamp forest habitats and to promote the exchange of scientific, collaborative research between Indonesian and American graduate students and faculty at RU and UNAS.
3) Promote a long-term, sustainable research partnership between RU and UNAS at TBRS, focusing on biodiversity and sustainable habitat management.
With the above objectives, Universitas Nasional and Rutgers University could develop sustainable partnerships which open opportunities for other universities to be involved. With successful implementations of the objectives, the program might be able to recommed the management and conservation of biodiversity to the Governement of Indonesia.
proHABITAT includes information on researches in the fields of Orangutan, Biodiversity, Ecology, and others. It also includes publications in national as well as international journals by the key researchers of the program and other reserachers interested to have their research disseminate through this forum. The web also includes subscriptions from well-known international Journals: Springerlink and AAAS. With many journals in the biological sciences, these journals also include journals for the social sciences and humanities.
proHABITAT team are thankful to USAID for supporting the partnerships and to Rutgers University that has been UNAS important partner in research and conservation in Indonesia.