Applied Ecology and Ecosystem Management

The AEEM (Applied Ecology and Ecosystem Management) will take place in Halimun National Park, West Java

This cours will focus on quantitative research methods and sustainable approaches to manage forests, agricultural areas, and aquatic ecosystems. Thematically, the course will focus on the challenges posed by climate change, human impacts on the ecosystem, and extinction risks. The field component of the course will include hands-on training in survey, census, and collection methodology. These methods are critical skills for survey positions with NGOs and government organizations and will make students more competitive in the international market. Field station lectures and lab components of the course will be explicitly quantitative with emphases on climate modeling, ecosystem modeling, quantification of extinction risk, relevant biostatistics, estimation of extinction risk, and identification of key parameters for research investigation and ecosystem management planning. Guest lecturers will be brought in from several local NGOs in the area including Conservation International, World Wildlife Fund, and the Nature Conservancy. These guest lectures will further promote connections relevant to future employment opportunities for the students.

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